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Gateway to active lives well lived

Afoot Nordic Walking

a·foot (/əˈfo͝ot/) adjective (From lexico.com)

1. in preparation or progress; happening or beginning to happen, e.g., “plans are afoot…”

Get ready to walk with purpose!

2. on foot, e.g., “they [chose] to go afoot”

One step at a time to be consistent!

Enter the gate!

Reap the benefits of Nordic walking. Nordic walking is a whole body, low impact activity that will enhance all areas of your life.

Go farther faster!

Like ripples in water, let Nordic walking benefits enhance all areas of your life.

Your best life is afoot

Your best life happens on these four journeys:

  • Your journey to a healthy body
  • Your journey to a sharp mind
  • Your journey to a legacy of rich relationships
  • Your journey to a rooted soul

Click below to discover Nordic walking and the Afoot lifestyle

Enter the gateway to your best life

Nordic walking is the gateway to your best life

  • A full body activity that doubles the number of muscles used
  • Sends your health numbers in the right direction

Click below to get coaching

Go farther faster in your journey

Mentoring helps you stay the course and finish strong

Optimize the four dimensions in your life:

  • Physical capacity
  • Understanding and wisdom
  • Spiritual grounding
  • Human relations

Click below to get mentoring

Don't take it from me

Nordic walking changes people’s lives, and they’re happy to say so. The low impact, full-body characteristics are favorite features, and the social interaction of walking groups has led to new friendships.

Click below to read testimonials

Give yourself these gifts

Improved well-being in all dimensions of your life starts with improved physical capacity, something you’re told you should do. Make it something you want to do by giving yourself these gifts because they mean something to you.

…in all the dimensions of your life

The gift of physical capacity

Physical capacity lets your body carry you as far as possible for as long as possible. It’s the vehicle for pursuing your calling in life.

The gift of understanding and wisdom

Physical capacity is the foundation for a healthy brain. A healthy brain leads to better thinking and decision-making. It holds all your thoughts and dreams.

The gift of spiritual grounding

Better thinking allows you to see the higher purpose in what you do because your soul is all you take with you.

The gift of healthy relationships

You can’t do it alone, and others depend on you. Use your physical capacity, understanding and wisdom, and spiritual grounding to help you help others and you’ll be fun to be around. Health relationships are what you leave behind.

Thrive in the arenas of your life

The gifts you give yourself are your gateway to your best life in all the arenas where you operate. Improved physical capacity because of Nordic walking is your foundation.

Your home

Your family needs a healthy you. Build yourself in all dimensions above to help you make your family strong.

Your school

Greater capacity in all the dimensions above gives you energy for learning.

Your workplace

The workplace is where we can impact the world, and we know it can be stressful. Strengthen yourself in the dimensions above to give you drive and resiliency.

Your community

It’s not community until everyone pitches in. All the dimensions above are channels through which you can build community.

Don't wait any longer. Start your journey today!

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