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Nordic Walking Guy

Blogging about Nordic walking and the Afoot lifestyle

1) Walk with purpose! 2) Be consistent! 3) Everything counts, but not everything matters!

Walking and bone density to fight osteopenia

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! For older people, osteopenia can be a serious condition affecting all around health. I came across a study about how walking can...

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Survey of walking styles for reducing body fat

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! At about 3:49, this fitness influencer describes Nordic walking. The Nordic wlaking in the photo actually has pretty good form....

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Some stretches from a Nordic walking instructor

Find online: IG nordicwalkingby  Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! Here are some stretches from a Nordic walking instructor you might find useful after Nordic...

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Leashes for Nordic walking with your dog

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! Some time ago, I wrote a blog article about Nordic walking with your dog. After all, wouldn't it be nice to integrate the daily...

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Why use a full arm swing in Nordic walking

Find online: FB @AfootNordicWalking TWT @LeroyHurtNWGuy IG nordicwalkingguy Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! A study on the effects of minimizing arm...

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