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Nordic Walking Guy

Blogging about Nordic walking and the Afoot lifestyle

1) Walk with purpose! 2) Be consistent! 3) Everything counts, but not everything matters!

Nordic walking and talking

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! An article about walking with friends explained a great opportunity to combine the superior exercise of Nordic walking with the...

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Build your bones with Nordic walking

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! Did you know walking can build your bones the same way resistance training, yoga, and Tai Chi can? I found an article that...

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Enhance my micro-what?

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! I came across an article that suggested how much soluble fiber to eat to keep your microbiome in good working order. Main point:...

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Change your life with Nordic walking

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! I came across an essay describing how a retirement community discovered Nordic walking and shared it with their residents. Main...

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Walking and bone density to fight osteopenia

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! For older people, osteopenia can be a serious condition affecting all around health. I came across a study about how walking can...

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