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Nordic Walking Guy

Blogging about Nordic walking and the Afoot lifestyle

1) Walk with purpose! 2) Be consistent! 3) Everything counts, but not everything matters!

Nordic walking compared to cross-country skiing

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! An article from a few years ago compared cross-country skiing and Nordic walking. Cross-country skiers invented Nordic walking so...

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Nordic walking poles help with neuropathy

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! A first person account related how using Nordic walking poles alleviated walking difficulties caused by neuropathy. The problem:...

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Efficacy of Nordic walking in managing Type 2 diabetes

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything count's but not everything matters! I came across a research abstract comparing Nordic walking with other forms of exercise in treating Type 2 diabetes. Main point:...

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Nordic walking and autoimmune conditions

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything count's but not everything matters! A study of Nordic walking and Sjögren’s Syndrome showed benefits to people with the chronic condition. Sjögren’s Syndrome is an...

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Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything count's but not everything matters! For #FlexibilityFriday, I came across this useful video about stretching. You'll want to do your stretching after your Nordic...

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