Nordic Walking Guy
Blogging about Nordic walking and the Afoot lifestyle1) Walk with purpose! 2) Be consistent! 3) Everything counts, but not everything matters!

Notes and quotes: Sandals are unorthodox footwear for Nordic walking
Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! Find online: #NordicWalking #HackYourWalk I came across an article about wearing sandals for hiking and long walking,...

Seen and heard: Integrate squats into your Nordic walking
Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! Find online: FB @DeniseAustin X @DeniseAustin IG deniseaustin YT @DeniseAustinTV PI pindeniseaustin...

Pause and ponder: Legacies Left Behind
Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! Find online: #FridayFocus #NordicWalking #LegacyBuilding #IntentionalLiving #FitnessReflection #EveryStepCounts If your...

Techniques, tips, and tricks: Squat variations
Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! Find online: #CrossTrainingAre you interested in supplementing your Nordic walking? Denise Austin, noted fitness personality,...

PUSH > Understanding and wisdom: Mysteries of memory
Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! Find online: #PUSH_UnderstandingAndWisdom There was an interesting article about memory and why we remember some things and...