Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy’s 3 rules:
- Walk with purpose!
- Be consistent!
- Remember everything counts but not everything matters!
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Are you interested in supplementing your Nordic walking? Denise Austin, noted fitness personality, gave some advice on squats. Squats are a great way to build lower body strength and endurance.
Main point:”…perform a squat variation that puts “less pressure” on the joints, while offering the shaping and strength-building benefits of a classic squat.”
Why squat? WebMD makes points that should convince you to add squats to improve your Nordic walking:
- Strengthens your lower body
- Make you use your core muscles.
- Strengthens supporting muscles like:
- Hip muscles
- Calves
- Hamstrings
- Obliques
- Calorie burning to help with weight loss
- Less chance of injuring knees and ankles by strengthening your tendons, bones, and ligaments
- Makes your knees more stable
- Improves bone mineral density
- Strengthens the skeleton, especially spine and lower body.
- Improves flexibility
- Shapes legs and butt
- Overall improvement of posture and balance
Nordic walkers have an additional way to make squats better.
- You can use your poles for balance as shown in the picture.
- The poles give you balance and support, allowing you to concentrate on the exercise.
- If you involve your arms when you stand up, you’ll also get a bit of an upper body workout that could help give you a more powerful arm swing.
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Nordic Walking Guy’s first rule is “Walk with purpose!” Walking with purpose includes living a life with meaning. Buy Your Unfinished Business: Find God in Your Circumstances, Serve Others in Theirs to learn more about faith, calling, and resilience.