Main point:
- “…lack of daylight can trigger winter depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder S.A.D) which affects, mood, motivation, sleep patterns and eating habits.”
- “These can all be improved by being more active and getting outdoors but how can we fit this into shorter days and motivate ourselves when it’s cold and wet? The answer is simple ……… JOIN A GROUP who exercise outdoors!”

More about it:
- “…being a group can make a winter workout a lot of fun!”
- “Sticking together in a group, using headtorches and high viz to make sure you are seen by others whilst being able to see where you are going, will brighten up any winter walk!”
- “If you are able to get out in the daytime, you will benefit from the power of nature, fresh air and amazing views.”
- “You will also have more fun and be more likely to keep up the exercise if you have the added draw of social interaction.”
Why it matters:
- “…people are more likely to stick to an exercise regime if they do it with others.”
- “Meeting like minded people can be life changing.”