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Nordic Walking Guy

Blogging about Nordic walking and the Afoot lifestyle

1) Walk with purpose! 2) Be consistent! 3) Everything counts, but not everything matters!

Out and about: Are you looking for walking venues?

Out and about: Are you looking for walking venues?

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! Find online: #NordicWalking #HackYourWalk   I found a website that provides listicles of locations...

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Pause and ponder: Connection to History

Pause and ponder: Connection to History

Hack your walk with Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Walk with purpose! Be consistent! Remember everything counts but not everything matters! Find online: #FridayFocus #NordicWalking #HistoryAndHealth #WalkingThroughTime #WellnessJourney #ActiveReflectionIf your Nordic...

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